
How to wear green?

Maybe you know that each year, a lucky color gets to be crowned “shade of the year” In 2017 “greenery” won this most disputed award. I’d describe her as 1/3 rainforest, 1/3 apple and 1/3 golf field green. I feel I could green up my interior design with some plants this shade. (Well, according to my […]

My closet editing technic applied on my wardrobe

If you read my bio you know my mantra is to buy less and dress better. I recently wondered if I was doing what I predicated so I went check my own wardrobe as if I was looking at the one of a client. It is really useful to do closet editing once a year – […]

Last minute christmas outfit suggestions

Christmas Eve is tomorrow and you have no idea how you are going to dress. The tree is going to be more fashionable than you. But hey do not give up so quickly, you can still dress to impress you mother in law/ your daughter in law/ your mum who annoys you every year telling […]

How to choose clothes or accessories for a present?

“Awww thanks grandma, for this yellow dress that makes me look totally shallow”, “thanks friends for underestimating the width of my thighs in this miniskirt”, “thanks honey for this killer heels that indeed are feet killers”, “thanks sis for this necklace that is obviously something only you could wear”… Let’s face it, 3 out of […]

How to wear cardigans (again)

Minus temperatures in Paris right now just make you want to carry your blanket around. Which you actually can do. If you wear some fluffy warm cardigans for instance. But cardigans can be tricky and lead you to a bed look… In the bad way. Here are my tips to stylishly wear cardigans. I. Choose […]

How to wear pink

I do not know about your current state of mind, but for me it is kind of difficult to see “la vie en rose this times. That said “dressing in pink” could be an interesting alternative isn’t it? Lots of women forget this color when they grow up because they barbie-overdosed as children. Yet this is a shame […]

My point of view on cultural appropriation in fashion

Yesterday, as it was Halloween, I read articles warning about costumes that would be considered as cultural appropriation. This was not the first time I’ve heard about the topic, yet I still have issues making my mind about it. What I thought at first I must admit I am spontaneously like “ok, if you want […]

How to wear the neckerchief?

Some times ago I gave you advices on how to wear the scarf and only advocated for big fluffy scarves. Yet smaller ones can be cool too. They’re not exactly here to keep you warm, but they’ll keep you stylish at least. Assuming you’ll wear them properly. Right now THE thing is to wear them neck […]

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