
How to wear the breton striped top?

Picture me writing this article from my native île de ré, feet in the sand, nose in the wind (“le nez au vent”) and breton stripes over my bikini. You don’t believe me? Well, ok, île de ré was last weekend, and I am currently writing way too late, on my parisian bed, my laptop […]

Not such a good idea: the two faced top

In every shop it swaggers, both casual and refined, showcasing its assets, waiting for you to buy it… the two faced top. I am sure you’ve already met, maybe he has even already nested in your closet. Let me introduce you to him. He is a bi material lad, looking dressy on the front and low-key […]

How to layer under a thin top?

When it comes to layering, we naturally lean toward wearing the thinest, tinniest layers close to our skin and the toughest, biggest on the outside. Just like in the nature (think onion). Stylistically speaking it is also the easiest option. But of course, doing what’s not expected catches the eye and has an undeniable fashion appeal. […]

When do clothes get “worn out”?

Every woman aiming to create an “eco responsible” wardrobe would like to wear her clothes until their “textile death”. Yet, the path to virtuous fashion consumption is full of pitfalls. Sometimes we get bored of a piece of clothing that looks perfectly new, and sometimes we keep clothes way past their best use date. 1/ When […]

How to wear fishnet tights?

Two years ago I spotted red fishnet tights on the shelves of my Monoprix (when in France, check this shop, it may look like a supermarket, but is french women’s best kept secret). Good find, that’s exactly the kind of fashionable gadget that’ll upgrade an outfit easily! If you are scared of fishnets (maybe you’re […]

How to wear linen?

And why? Because linen is the most ecological fiber that exists: 80% of it is produced in Europe and France is the first producer in the world (ok I am promoting french trade here, greetings US readers, plant your own crops!) it requires very little water (normandy’s rain is just enough) it requires little to […]

How to wear orange?

The good thing about my editorial choice to have boring yet practical post titles is that I do not get to search for silly jokes like “orange is the new black” or “how to look juicy in orange”. You’ll learn all of that nonetheless by reading the following colorspiration I gathered for you. First of all, […]

What to shop in a thrift store?

Hello les filles, Last week-end I styled two young ladies with limited budget so to make the most of it we went to some thrift stores (amongst others). They always are kind of a mess with the clothes coming out from everywhere, the tiny aisle, the unidentified smell, somewhere in between musty and sanitizer… I must […]

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