
How to wear jewels

Are diamonds a girl’s best friend? Could be but before I turn blond, I’ll stick with less expensive jewels in general to shine. After all, Coco Chanel herself wore fake. 1. Choose your jewels according to your outfit a. With a complicated outfit stay simple If you have a dress/ top/ jacket that stands out […]

How to dress for a wedding

Dear you, Miss Alwayswelldressed and Mister Sochic have the pleasure to invite you to their wedding. First reaction: “Yey! Wedding! Party! Wohooo!” Second reaction: “OMG, OMG, what the hell am I gonna weaaaaar?” Keep cool and stay tuned, I am gonna help you solve that tremendous problem. 1. Follow the dresscode First thing first, is […]

How to wear flats

Bonjour Mesdames, After my “how to wear heels“, I had many reader’s requests asking me how to wear flats. So here are my tips about the subject. There are three main types of flat shoes that depend of their height (not the height of the heel, they are flats ^^) on the leg. – Beneath […]

How to match colors

A successful look often results from a successful color mix. But when we look at aaaaaall the colors available in stores, some of us can get a little confused and opt for a raven like look in order not to make any mistakes. Let’s have a little mixing lesson. Careful, you might become a color […]

How to choose your lipstick

The choice of your lipstick is very important: not only does it enhance your beauty features, it also completes your outfit as an accessory. To me, the color and texture of your lips has as much effect on your global allure as the shoes or scarf you choose. To begin with, I will not speak […]

Fifty shades of grey hair

Hello, Since her forties, my mother stopped dying her hair and went for the grey. I think this is just a great natural look if you are not afraid to dare.  She is an inspiration for my future self! And grey is a beautiful color if you take good care of it. So, how do […]

Paris style icone: Jane Birkin

Jane Birkin is one of my all time favourite style inspiration. She spices beautiful classics in a sassy way, is super sexy but never tacky and both boyish and ultra-feminine. The “petite anglaise” has become a figure of french style. Here are some of her looks I love and that can still inspire us today. […]

How to dress for a party

Bonjour, bonjour, It’s soon to be 2014 and I haven’t said a word about how to dress for a party! (And I hope Santa was nice ^^) Well, when I say party, I do not mean an average party but an over the top party, just like new year’s eve which is tonight! I guess […]

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