What kind of handbags should I own?
How many bags do you own? (the ones under you eyes don’t enter the counting). Probably more than one. Maybe more than 15, if you were part of the bag addict group that fashion marketers had the brilliant idea to create in the early 2000’s. At that point they decided that the bag was not […]
How to be sexy without beeing tacky?
Depending of our mood, we dress to feel confident, to feel pretty, to feel good, to feel powerful, etc. And sometimes, we dress to feel sexy, to seduce other men or women. What is being sexy? To answer that I’ll begin with what is NOT being sexy. At least to my eyes. – to disguise […]
New years eve makeup inspirations
Even if the french girl, and even more the parisian girl, says new year’s eve is the WORST “soirée” of the year and that they are just going to watch a movie hidden in their bed sipping a glass of wine, they actually always end up going to some kind of party and even some […]
Why I don’t believe in the three colors rule
Popular opinion has a lot to say about fashion. “Red does not suit blondes”, “do not mix black and navy blue together”, “gold and silver don’t match”, and, above all “DO NOT WEAT MORE THAN THREE COLORS IN AN OUTFIT”. “Otherwise you’ll look like a clown or a parrot” (ooouuh frightening). “You talkin’ to me?” […]
How to wear the long skirt in winter?
In winter we are always looking for clothes that are both comfy and warm but chic at the same time. However not a lot of women wear long skirts in winter. And by long I mean super long: the ones that cover at least your ankle. Because despite beeing comfy and warm, they are pretty […]
How to dress for Christmas Eve?
Dressing for Christmas is rather similar than dressing for a winter wedding. You are also looking for both shine and warmth. Nevertheless, depends on your family, but assuming that a Christmas dinner is less dressy and more cosy than a winter wedding party so I’ll advise you to wear more laid-back outfits. The key thing […]
Bored with jeans! What other pants for winter?
“Hey, don’t you wanna talk winter pants on your blog? I just ALWAYS wear skinny jeans, and am bored with it”, asked my friend Marion the other day. Well, that’s a vast topic… Like ALL pants? Then I gave it a second thought. When wearing pants nowadays, lots of us just go for jeans because […]
How to layer?
In French we use the idiom “dressing like an onion” to say we layer clothes in order to stay warm. Wondering why? Google onion pics. The problem is that no bulb has never been acknowledged as a chic icon. How to be a stylish onion? Let’s find out! Before we begin let’s agree on the […]
How to wear oversize?
When you think “oversize” the two first things that come to mind are – the teenager trying to hide her body with clothes – the Vogue editorial where the stick thin model looks stunning in oversize outfits The first one is not inspiring and the second one is hard to transfer on a regular girls […]
Should I shop fast fashion?
I WANT: Minimalist white sneakers, a fluid trench, an holographic clutch, a neoprene skirt, leopard derbies, a new black leather bag, a grey boyfriend coat, a colorful scarf, a pair of gloves, a transparent coat, a fluffy feather skirt, a…. Stoooop that is too much things to want! Fashion has never been moving so fast […]
How to dress for a winter wedding?
You’ve been invited to a wedding. Yay! You’ve read my last article on how to dress for a wedding so you are ready to be the most stylish of all ladies there… But what if the wedding, takes place right now, when it is coooold (unless you live in south hemisphere or LA – hello […]