You may think that, as temperature gets colder, the length of the skirts gets longer. Yet the opposite is actually happening for many ladies. Thanks to tights. What is indeed cooler than showing off the beautiful shape of your legs without revealing their real color and texture? Without risk of cellulite display, you can go shorter than […]
As the temperature lowers, the amount of fabric around our bodies grows. Layers pile up, knits get thicker, necks get hidden with collars and scarves, etc. There seem to be no room left for any jewels in winterland and they often are forgotten in seasonals outfits. Which is a shame because jewels can really contribute level […]
Nowadays, I’d say that fashion world is evolving in to different directions – The industry, replacing one trend by another at a super fast pace. And those who subscribe to this system, replacing their own clothes at an equally fast pace. – People who realize that this system is not viable and try to have a […]
I agree with some of you here, “cardigan” does not sound like the most exciting piece of clothing in the wardrobe. But it is a fashionable way to be warm while remaining stylish. Because it covers the shoulder, back and arms while revealing the layers underneath. 1. How to choose them? Just like a sweater/jumper cardigans come […]
The cold wind of autumn, feels kind of depressing. You just wished your coats would remain in the closet a little while longer. But there are ways to accept: hanging on your couch reading a book while dring hot tea, going to the movies because outside is just rainy, chatting with friends while enjoying red wine […]
7 am, your phone rings. Time to wake up. Like every morning, you stare at your wardrobe, wondering which of all those clothes you are gonna jump in to be ready for the day. If you are working in an industry where most of the employees are suited up men, you want to wear an outfit that says […]
Dear reader, “C’est la rentrée” like we say in France. In English, you could probably translate it with “back to school”, but that would not be appropriate enough because “la rentrée” concerns everyone in France. In august, lots of industries slow down and Paris empty from the locals who prefer to breathe and relax in the country. […]
You probably noticed that since 2 years or so, bare ankles are THE cool thing to do to upgrade an outfit. I really like it for three reasons – bare ankles are sexy in an unexpected way – it makes the shoes stand out – socks become a fashionable accessory Nevertheless, this is not an […]