
How to wear shorts (in summer)

In France summer is definitely here and Paris is burning (well at least it feels like it). Therefore, more and more shorts can be spotted in the streets. But it is not easy to wear those in a stylish way. And we wouldn’t want to look like tourists hiking in the city would we? Here […]

How to shop for summer sales

Summer sales begun yesterday in Paris. In France, sales are a whole month long twice a year and are very interesting: prices can go down up to 50%! Here are my tips to be shopping efficient during this period of time. Even though that is not always relevant if you are outside of France, think […]

How to wear a (white) blouse

We should all have a little white blouse in our wardrobe. Well, when I say, white blouse, I mean the basic one: long sleeves, buttons and regular collar. (We won’t speak about the many others here cause, well, it is past midnight here, and I could take me all night). In cotton, silk or linen, […]

How to dress at the office in summer?

Hello Mesdames, It is june and summer is coming! (Well actually in Paris, it is raining and I am freezing cold, but let’s pretend it’s hot). Summer is great, we all agree on that, but we also all wish that we were sunbathing on the beach rather than beeing stuck in our sticky hot office, […]

How to wear a belt?

Do you wear belts? Since most pants and skirts are fitted to our frame, wearing one is now often more a style choice than a practical choice. And therefore is not the easiest accessory to master. On what outfit should I wear a belt? Can a belt help my look be more stylish? What kind […]

How to wear prints

Aaaah prints! We have a love/hate relationship with them. They look beautiful in the shop and on magazines photoshoots, but then comes the dreaded question: how the hell am I gonna wear them? I. How much print? 1. Just a bit If prints scare you (even the ones featuring cute kittens), start with some printed […]

Style icone: Brigitte Bardot

Brigitte is the incarnation of french glamour: innocent and sultry at the same time. Her style is so modern it can still inspire us today How to dress like BB? 1. Walk lightly BB is the first one who wore ballerinas in the city. The result is a bouncing allure. So ladylike! If you want […]

What to wear in Paris

Your plane and your hostel are booked and you cannot wait to be in Paris. But there is one last thing you have to do: PACKING. How to dress for Paris when you know you will be walking all day long au soleil, sous la pluie à midi ou à minuit? Here are my advices: […]

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