How to wear rust color
Dear reader,
“C’est la rentrée” like we say in France. In English, you could probably translate it with “back to school”, but that would not be appropriate enough because “la rentrée” concerns everyone in France. In august, lots of industries slow down and Paris empty from the locals who prefer to breathe and relax in the country. Even, on radio and TV, some programms stop and some are replaced by others.
(Those who want to know about the rust styling issue now, please scroll down ^^)
When the first of september comes, you can tell something has changed. It’s in the air. For us, more than january the first, it means the start of the year. It is the moment we make fresh decisions.
Ok, ok, you see me coming… I am making my comeback after nearly two months away from the blog and I am trying to explain it with outside causes 🙂
Truth is, I was taking a break from Paris. Before leaving, I packed my computer, thinking I would have the faith to write while away. Proof is, I was not ^^
But, hey, “c’est la rentrée”! My new decision (appart from posting back) is too finally take care of my newletter to which you are always more to suscrive 🙂
SO, fingers on typepad and here I go!
How to wear rust color?
Searching for a subject I got inspired by the rust jacket I was wearing yesterday.
I think this is a flattering, subtle and easy to wear color that instantly makes an outfit look both elegant and cosy.
1. White and rust
Trust me, it won’t transfer 🙂
White is perfect to freshen up this warm color during the “indian summer”
( Notice how Lisa, uses 4 colors in her outfit? If you have not, I recommend you to read my “why I do not believe in the three colors rule” post)
Shades of rust.
Only a light colored detail is enough to make an outfit go from boring to personal.
Camille over the rainbow by Vanessa Jackman
Touches of white make a warm outfit looks fresher
Danielle Bernstein by Vanessa Jackman
Want personalized style advices? Reach me for distance styling or personal shopping!
2. Black and rust
To chic your rust up and dress your black down.
To boho your rock T-shirt
3. Jean and rust
For an elegant cowboyish allure.
4. Navy and rust.
So refined.
(If some of you happens to have his number, I can ask him the credits)
5. Turquoise and rust
So seventies!
The outfit of Olivia is very bold. If you prefer more discreet looks, think of using only a turquoise accessory like a scarf.
6. Teal blue and rust
Adorably retro.
7. Purple and rust
One of my favorite options. An unexpected automnal mix.
8. Lilac and rust
Sounds unexpected but as lilac is just a whitened version of purple it works!
Also think of dusty versions of plum and purple.
9. Pink and rust
Fuschia pink…
… or baby pink
10. Mustard and rust
Like the falling leaves.
11. Beige and rust
Very rive gauche.
12. Gold and rust
Warm metal on warm color.
13. Emerald green and rust
Like in the forest.
14. Prints and rust
Ok prints are not a color but wearing print with a color is always a great way to be easily stylish.
You can go for black and white (matches everything)
Or for a print made of one of the above stated colors.
I am sure there are other combinations that I did not quote.
You would be surprised how many colors match each other when you try.
The first that comes to my mind are baby blue, milky peach, kakhi…
Make experiences! And ask someone with a good eye for color to check if you doubt ^^
Enjoy indian summer!
Cover collage: The Sartorialist, Unknown
I was looking for the same article but I visited many websites. Glad to see that you wrote in such a well manner way. Hope for good.
Hello, I’m a new fan of your website, and I’m really enjoying it. As a result, I am glad to share this information with you.
Why not try yellow and rust
Some really good examples!
Ah te revoilà ! Ca fait bien plaisir et j’espère que tu as passé un bel été.
J’aime beaucoup cette couleur, rouille, mais elle m’intimide un peu. Dans les magasins, elle m’attire tout de suite mais à chaque fois je renonce, un peu comme pour le moutarde (pourtant ton post sur le sujet est plein d’inspirations) que j’adore mais que je ne pourrais porter qu’avec de toutes petites touches de couleur ou des accessoires, car ça me fait un teint horriiiible.
Sinon, peut-être que si je me concentre sur des pièces éloignées du visage (jupe ou pantalon) et que je garde des teintes plus lumineuses près du visage ça limite la casse, non ?
C’est possible que ça ne t’aille pas super, super au teint en effet (horrible ça m’étonnerait ^^)
Mais dans ce cas, tu as le bon réflexe en t’orientant vers des pièces éloignées du visage.
Sinon j’ai passé un super été, on aime jamais tant Paris que quand on la quitte un peu.
J’espère qu’il a été beau de ton côté aussi 🙂
Quel plaisir ce post !
Je remarque qu’ il existe plusieurs nuances de rouille : du moutarde foncé ( dernière photo) à un roux épicé ( colori sur lequel j’ai jeté mon dévolu il y a peu).
Les combos avec du jean ou du rose fuschia, rose pâle, beige , blanc et or sont mes préférés .
Une question, un défi : Comment apprivoiser le marron foncé ? Je viens de recevoir mon Tee parfait en marron fonçé ( C ‘est mon Nude en quelque sorte ) Comment l’associer à des couleurs ? Pour le moment, je ne vois que du Beige, rose pale, moutarde
Bonne journée.
Il y a tellement de couleurs (et tellement de nuances dans la vraie rouille) que le fait de nommer une couleur est forcément approximatif, il suffit de regarder un nuancier pour s’en convaincre.
Donc toutes les couleurs présentées pourraient être nommées “rouille”, mais pourraient aussi être nommées autrement (écureuil, hot curry, terre de sienne…).
Je vais réfléchir à cette histoire de marron foncé 🙂
Jolie sélection !