How to get the best out of your hairdresser?

Yesterday, I accompanied a client at the hairdresser,

As an image consultant, I determined that short hair with swoop fringe would emphasize her beautiful eyes and make her face radiate energy.

Which would be in line with the new overall outfit dynamic that we had implemented with the clothes.

Nevertheless I did not enter the salon monitoring Margaux, the hairdresser, to cut the hair in the specific way I had in mind.

I have an overall vision of the look depending of my client’s features, habits and personnality, but I am not an expert in hair. Margaux is. She is able to analyse the hair’s texture and implantation which I am not trained for.

So I shared my vision with Margaux, asked her professional opinion about what was doable along with her opinion about the look we were going for.

She then asked my client a few things about her hair routine and off she started!

If you do not have the chance to hire me to brief your hairdresser, I share my method to turn your hairdresser into your best stylist!

1/ Choose a hairdresser that you click with

All hairdressers are not for everyone.

Some have a prefered style (rock, avant-garde, bourgeois, natural, etc…) some are specialised in hair types (afro hair), conditions (alopecia) or convictions (organic).

Some are excellent generalists (when then know how to listen!).

Find yours!

You can find some clues in:

  • the architecture of the place
  • the hairstyle pictures available online (if there are some)

2/ Choose a skilled haidresser

  • Ask a friend

The best is to ask a friend whose haircut you like to share her contact.

Bonus points if said friend has similar hairtexture to yours or/ and if her haircut is close to your desired hairstyle. Some hairdressers are excellent in short hairs for instance.

That said my hairdresser is an skilled generalist.

  • Online advice

If you have no one to turn to, ask internet folks! Read online advices.

It’s good if:

      • the advice say the hairdresser is a good listener
      • the advice say the hairdresser takes (good) initiatives
      • and obviously if people like the result!

As mentioned earlier, you can look for online pictures of the haircuts (maybe instagram?).

3/ Trust your hairdresser

That, my friends, is key!

When people hire me, they put their trust in my eye.

But when they hire a hairdresser they often are leery.

Yet, if you chose a skilled professional that you click with as described in steps 1 and 2 there is no reason to be worried.

Plus, never forget that hair grow back!

Now RELAX, close your eyes and trust your Edward Scissorshands.

Since he/she knows tons abour hair, why not give him/her the opportunity to suggest a haircut that would suit you?

At best the suggestion will please you, at worst, you’ll just discuss another option.

By asking him/her to style you, you give him/her the opportunity to be in charge which is extremely rewarding.

As the designer of your style, he/she will give the best of his/her competences.

4/ Brief your hairdresser properly

  • Let him establish his/her own brief

If you have asked him/her what would be best for you, chances are he/she will turn to you to determine what he/she will suggest by asking you questions such as

  • how long does it take you to style your hair in the morning?
  • do you like natural or sophisticated styles?
  • etc…

From there he/she will suggest suitable options.

  • Brief him with key words

If you know what you want (or kind of), the best is to brief your hairdresser with keywords

    • “I would like a short yet feminine haircut, that feels soft. Nothing to rigid. I like when there is movement to it”
    • “I’d like to shorten my hair to give them more of a shape and look sophisticated but still want to be able to tie them”
  • Do a moodboard type photo brief

Bring one or several pictures. But instead of asking for ” the haircut on the picture” ask for something “in this spirit”, “if possible”, “so you think it will work with my face and hair texture?”.

Underline what you like in the photo’s haircut. “I like the sexy messy effect”, “the waves look bouncy and lively”, “the color has depth whilst looking natural”, etc…

More picture featuring different haircuts in the same mood will help the hairdresser and yourself to have a better feel of what you are going for.

Keep in mind that you are not ” the person on the picture”

Nevertheless, it can be inspiring to find a celebrity with features similar to yours (face shape, complexion and hairtexture) to find your next haircut.

5/ Communicate with your hairdresser

During the cutting process, relax.

Do not become a mini dictator, scrutinizing every scissor’s move.

Yet, there is not harm in keeping an eye on what’s going on.

Share your question without the suspicious tone (not easy) :

    • “we keep the fringe, isn’t it?”
    • “I like when it’s blurry in the back of the neck”

You may also take advantage of having a hair specialist next to you to ask about:

    • the hair care routine she/he recommends
    • different ways to style your new haircut

When the haircut is over and dried, express your feelings about it:

    • “it makes my face look a bit severe”
    • “I would like it if there was more movement”
    • “The fringe is a little too low?”

It’s now or never!

You are the client and the important thing is for you to be satisfied. The hairdresser won’t be upset do not worry. At least if he is a good professional. He will try to fix what you do not like.

And if all looks wonderful, congratulate your hairdresser! Believe me, happy clients feedbacks are why image professionals love their jobs.

And that’s how you get a great haircut! And you? Can you tell me about your relationship with your hairdresser? Or you are still looking for the one? 

5 Responses to “How to get the best out of your hairdresser?”
  1. It was nice that you suggested asking a hairdresser if the hairstyle on the photo you brought for reference is possible based on your face shape and hair texture. This is something that I will remember because I am planning to have my hair styled to give it a new look and make myself look younger. I have seen nice photos on the internet, and it would be nice to hear from a professional if they would suit me. Thanks!

  2. Marji says:

    J’ai “fait” tous les coiffeurs de ma ville avant de trouver le bon, un petit salon qui ne paye pas de mine en bas de chez moi. Avec les mauvais coiffeurs, je ressemblais systématiquement à une mémère. J’ai même essayé un coiffeur pour homme. Là, je ressemblais carrément à rien mais au moins c’était pas cher.

    Puis j’ai trouvé ma coiffeuse. Elle est très rapide, on ne perd pas de temps à discuter. Par contre, elle pose les bonnes questions, fait les bonnes propositions et quand je sors que suis plus jolie qu’au début 🙂

  3. clearly_true says:

    Bonjour Aloïs,

    Moi, je n’ai jamais eu de chance avec les coiffeurs. Que ce soit des petits salons méconnus, ou de grandes enseignes avec pignon sur rue, ils ne m’ont jamais donné satisfaction. Pire, ils adoptent un ton méprisant en voyant que j’ai du volume et de la masse capillaire. J’y ai droit à chaque fois, même pour une très simple prestation.

    Pourtant, moi, à domicile, je sais parfaitement maîtriser ma chevelure, pour lui donner de l’allure et même du raffinement. Je fais plein de choses très bien seule, sans être une professionnelle hautaine de la coiffure (colo professionnelle racines ou longueurs, soins, lissages, et même traitements chimiques lissants dans ma primo-jeunesse, avec une longueur allant jusqu’aux fesses).

    Les occasions où j’ai persévéré et laissé aux coiffeurs le soin de prouver leur science se sont soldées par d’extrêmes catastrophes (une fois c’était une coupe ultra courte totalement improbable avec des cheveux de 3 couleurs différentes, une autre, des cheveux décolorés n’importe comment, dix fois trop foncés et horriblement abîmés,…). Je l’ai toujours amèrement regretté, et mon porte-monnaie aussi. Je te dis pas la galère, il faut des années pour rattraper tout ça après, sans parler du coup au moral.

    Donc je me débrouille seule, c’est mieux et j’arrive à me donner satisfaction, même si c’est pas en une fois. Et évidemment, sans que ça tourne au drame. Je vais chez un self de temps en temps juste pour rafraîchir les pointes, en insistant bien pour qu’on n’enlève qu’un centimètre. Et mes cheveux s’en portent très bien.

    Et…pour les avis d’internet, je pense qu’il faut vraiment se méfier. Moi je n’ai pas non plus d’amie qui aurait pu me conseiller un bon coiffeur, avec une texture de cheveux similaire. Donc je me suis fiée aux avis sur le net (pour ma première aventure déco). C’était une grosse erreur.

    • Aloïs Guinut says:

      Je suis désolée que vous ayiez eu de mauvaises expériences!
      Personnellement je suis satisfaite de mon salon partenaire et je pense que si l’étape 1 et 2 (choisir le bon coiffeur) est réussie, lé résultat devrait être au rendez vous!
      Tant mieux que vous vous débrouilliez bien seule aussi 🙂

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