How to wear tights?
First thing first. Tights are warm. They hug the skin and let no breeze go in between the fabric and the legs.
That’s my opinion: you may debate in comments. (Well and I am talking substantial enough tights)
I/ Choose your tights
Find comfy tights
And roll free too.
Easy task. Just choose one with a large waistband elastic.
Much more comfortable aaaaand creates a flat belly effect.
Large waistband tights from Swedish stockings
How many deniers?
Deniers is an old measurement of how many grams of fabric were per 9000m. Why this number? I do not know.
Therefore, the lesser the deniers, the thinner the fabric.
The thinner the fabric, the more transparent, less warm, and resistant it is.
Tights that are less than 20 deniers are super fragile. The kind you wear with a fancy evening dress to magnify your legs. Not really suitable for multiple wears and everyday use.
Up to 40 deniers, the tights are pretty transparent and create a nice light leg effect.
From 50 deniers on the tights are considered opaque. With 50 deniers having a slight sheer effect that totally disappears at 60.
Do stylish sustainable tights exist?
Well, tights are made from synthetic fabrics… which are made from oil. BUT there are already many fabrics that have been produced so several brands like Swedish stockings or Rev society have launched collections of tights made from recycled polyamide).
And if you do not have access to them or find those too expensive, the best is always to take great care of those you buy.
II/ Tights styles
A/ Transparent black tights
The little black dress of tights!
They go with any shade of dark-colored clothing.
If you are wearing an outfit that does not contain black but autumn shades, try to substitute their dark brown version for softer transitions.
Surprisingly they work well with pastels that become sharper next to them.
B/ Black plumetis tights
Very “eighties Madonna” they uplift simple outfits with dots of fun.
Très “Madonna dans les eighties” ils apportent une touche de fun dans des tenues unies.
You can do plumetis with any print: stars, hearts, Chanel CCs (but in that case they cost 360 euros so you better not break them).
Katie Holmes in a simple outfit that would become boring without her plumetis tights
C/ Opaque black tights
The perfect ally for those who are shy to wear short lengths (or get cold).
When worn with midi lengths, beware they may make the whole outfit look sturdy.
Those tights may be made of synthetics or… wool, but really this last option is tricky.
Always impeccable Jane from Sea of shoes wearing what seems to be wool tights with a mini length skirt
D/ Colored tights
So many options!
If the colors are subdued and not really opaque, that’s easier to blend in the outfit.
You can either contrast the tight with the rest of your outfit (like a bold tight with a neutral outfit).
Or blend them into the look.
Tights that match the flowers on Jane Aldridge
Or monochrome as “safe” (erm) option
E/ Fun prints
With printed tights, the easiest is to go for a simple and smooth looking outfit.
F/ Fishnets
Fishnets come and go but what’s for sure is that the smaller the net, the more elegant the result.
Rhinestone strass even!
III/ How to wear tights without tearing them?
Be quiet.
Do not jump in them when you exit the bathroom.
Do like your mama told you (at least my maman did). Gently unroll it from the tip of your toes to your hips.
And do not stop halfway “the hell with this”.
Then beware of not having any broken nails or toenails too long.
I know “full woman mode” is annoying, isn’t it.
Voilà! That was my tutorial.
And you? How do you wear your tights?
Bises de Paris
Tout à fait d’accord, les collants sont bien plus chaud que les pantalons – surtout les jeans. C’est pour ça qu’en hiver je ne porte quasiment que des jupes et robes ! Par contre je suis d’accord, le côté écologique du collant file me rend folle – je tends vers le zéro déchet et les collants rendent ça difficile. J’ai testé les collants « recyclés » mais je n’ai pas été convaincue. En remontant dans les commentaires, je vois que j’ai déjà parlé des collants Bili London et petit update, j’en achète depuis un peu plus d’un an et ils sont top ! Hyper confo avec la bande large et ils durent bien plus longtemps que des collants habituels. Le prix vaut le coup !
Drôle de voir que j’ai été à nouveau attirée par cet article !
FALKE makes very high quality wool and cotton tights.
For years I’ve had a little pair of cotton gloves set aside in my drawer just for putting on tights!
Même si je vais paraître idiote…il y a un devant derrière pour les collants maintenant?
Je ne sais jamais trouver le sens…
Sur la plupart il n’y en a pas.
J’adore l’article, très parlant sur les différentes manières d’accessoiriser les collants. Pour la question des collants écologiques, j’ai participé à un financement sur Ulule pour la marque Bili London, qui va bientôt proposer des nouveaux collants sensés être ultra-resistants et surtout biodégradable contrairement aux autres collants. Seul bémol, les collants un peu plus cher que la moyenne (env. 25euros) mais s’ils durent plus longtemps j’estime que ça vaudra le coup ^^ !
Intéressant merci 🙂
I used to wear tights a lot, mostly opaque black and occasionally the thin, dressy version. This was through 5-6 years of wearing mostly skirts and dresses for work. As a mom now I find them too high maintenance and found some high quality wool trousers that are even warmer ^^
Perhaps in a year or two I will pivot again and dig them out of the suitcase they are languishing in …
Update us on the tights issue in a few years then 🙂
Tellement parlant, que ce soit par le texte ou les photos choisies!
Les collants permettent d’assurer la transition de l’été vers l’hiver, et d’éviter le “tout pantalon” quand il fait froid.
Mes astuces pour les faire durer: les étirer dou-ce-ment avant de les mettre la première fois, les laver à la main ou alors avec un filet de protection en machine à froid ou 30° max, ne jamais les faire sécher sur un radiateur.
Sinon je suis tellement triste de la mise en liquidation de la maison GERBE: des collants inventifs et de superbe qualité!!
Ah mais oui! J’ai ommis de préciser les conseils de lavage!
Triste aussi pour Gerbe.
Ok now I am happy to know that officially Blair Waldorf tights can still be worn in 2020.
C’est donc ca le secret, la ceinture large !!!
Eh oui!