How to wear my red large sweater?

The other day, I was working for client who purchased a red sweater. Loved it so much it inspired me to create a lookmaker 🙂

First question I always get asked when it comes to red: what colors to wear with?

I answered this one in a previous post last year. Surprisingly you have plenty of options!

How to wear an oversize item is also something I previously explained.

Just combine both and voilà.

1. Lazy sexy afternoon

Pale blue is always delightful with bright red. Here I paired cosiness with cosiness… Though 501 are very sexy jeans. And added some killer shoes for a sexy twist. Black and red look very nice together but can possibly give a goth look. The solution is to wear them with a third color.

2. Cosy day at the office

I may be cold at the office in winter. So feel comfortable with your chunky sweater but make it look more dressy by adding classic tailored pants and pumps. For the colors I picked neighbor colors: nude and almost pink pants, burgundy pumps and a lilac bag. The earring are exactly the color of the sweater, creating the illusion that they belong to it.
3. Kinky college girl
Red and black work as a mix. As long as you pick sophisticated fabrics, it won’t have this “rebel teenage” look. Or at least just the bit you want ^^
Here the sexy mini leather skirt is made more casual thanks to the sweater and more polished with those good girl brogues. The black cat just spices the large knitted surface.

4. Boho walk in the city

Red and boho vibes can be overwhelming and feel like you are living in the woods. But with a mini skirt and some heels, this is just a perfectly balanced mix. Note that the warm camel hue is a great match for bright red.

5. Dramatic night out at the movies


Red on red with different fabrics is a very daring thing to do, but the effect will be noticed. Pair with some darker red makeup and accessories.
And you, would you dare a bright red oversize sweater?
10 Responses to “How to wear my red large sweater?”
  1. Alexandra says:

    Bonjour Aloïs,
    je fais moi aussi une fixette sur les pulls rouge en ce moment et votre article m’a totalement tapé dans l’oeil.
    Le pull rouge que vous proposez en alternative n’est plus disponible chez Asos.
    De quelle marque est celui que vous présentez dans vos looks ? Auriez-vous d’autres marques à me conseiller ? Je ne trouve rien qui me satisfasse sur les sites shopping habituels.
    Merci 🙂

  2. léontine says:

    oui, vous avez une sacrée maîtrise de la couleur, Aloïs!

  3. V says:


    La fameuse association rouge, parme et ce rose pâaaale …. Mon dieu que c ‘est beau.
    Les looks 4 et 5 sont également tentants .

    Belle journée ensoleillée

    • Aloïs Guinut says:

      à toi aussi 🙂

      • V says:

        A la lecture de ce post,j’ai réussi à Trouver cette pièce ( au hasard sur le web en vente-privée ), la commander puis ..attendre (1 mois ..les ventes privées sur le web …ça se mérite ) pour enfiler (hier soir) ce superbe pull rouge fin en cachemire avec ce superbe décolleté, longueur os de la hanche ( ma longueur de référence )…confortable et fitté à la fois ( bidou non entravé ( yes !)…

        Sans compter qu’ à la suite de ton article ” comment associer le rouge” ( blog),j’avais réussi à mettre la main ( de justesse) sur une superbe robe longue cintree et une jupe midi taille haute toutes les deux couleur coquelicot de chez &OS, une tuerie.

        C’est ce qu’on appelle tombée “red” amoureuse non ?!

        (T’es vraiment la meilleure !!!!)
        Une excellente journée

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