How can I wear coloured tights and still look like an adult?

I have had many new people visiting the blog today because someone on Reddit (hello there!) was wondering how she could wear coloured tights and still look like an adult.

Even though my previous post on tights helps to figure it out, I decided to write a post dedicated to that specific question and to create three outfits.

So, to wear coloured tight and still look like an adult, here are my tricks:

1. Choose darker colors for the tights: burgundy, dark green, navy blue, eggplant, etc.

eggplant tights outfit
eggplant tights outfit by dresslikeaparisian featuring a brown leather tote

Then you can even add a second color and soften the look with neutrals such as this beige trench.

2. If you go for bold colors, wear a low profile outfit

– With lots of black items for instance

Blue tights outfit
Blue tights outfit by dresslikeaparisian

– With darker colors, neutrals and modest cuts

Red tights outfit
Red tights outfit by dresslikeaparisian

The colors that will make you look the most like a little girl are pastels and neon colors, therefore, I advise you to avoid them.


PS: yes my english is not perfect but I write everything by myself and cannot afford a translator (yet) ^^ Hope it is still nice reading me guys!

7 Responses to “How can I wear coloured tights and still look like an adult?”
  1. Martina says:

    Fabulous ideas. I want to buy those bright coloured, subtle colours, tights. I’m tall. I can’t find where to buy them in the world. You have them in your photos!!! Can you help?

    • Aloïs Guinut says:

      Hello, I do not know right now, I need to do research. If you want me to search for you and create outfits with tights for you, you can contact me for personal shopping service.
      Best regards,

  2. Tights says:

    Very nice! Thank you. 😀 I will definitely try this… I won’t go with a colored tights for a start, but hey maybe someday I get the guts to wear it!

  3. Wendy says:

    Really love your articles. You are inspiring and right on the point. Thank you so much.

  4. Amy says:

    I love your articles Aloïs!
    I have a navy dress and grey jacket like the third picture and never thought to wear red tights with it.. Éclaire de génie!
    I thought also yellow/ mustard tights but it reminds me of ‘That Yellow Bastard’ in Sin City.
    Your writing is lovely.. better English than a lot of my London-born friends!
    Thank you!

    • Aloïs Guinut says:

      Thanks 🙂
      You could do burgundy, olive green, mint green, flashy blue… grey and navy beeing rather neutral, they can be paired with so much!
      And mustard yellow (but with the Sin City risk ahah ^^)

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