Comment choisir votre rouge à lèvres

Le choix de votre rouge à lèvres est très important car il joue deux rôles: valoriser la beauté de votre visage et compléter votre tenue à la manière d’un accessoire. Selon moi, sa couleur et sa texture jouent un rôle aussi important dans votre allure globale que votre écharpe, vos chaussures ou même votre robe (sisi!).

Afin de ne pas m’embarquer dans une thèse ès cosmétiques labiales, je vais réduire le champ de mes conseils à quatre couleurs principales et leurs déclinaisons.

Je ne parlerai par exemple pas du rose barbie qui, si, il peut être porté avec style par une infinitésimale minorité de fashionistas téméraires, ressemble la plupart du temps à ça.

Je ne traiterai pas non plus des tonalités naturelles qui, si elles sont jolies, ne font pas office d’accessoire de style, contrairement au rouge « qui claque ».

Voici pour moi, les quatre familles de rouge qui contribuent à l’identité de votre tenue:

– Rouge vif (vermillon, coquelicot, carmin, cerise, etc)

– Bordeaux (lie de vin, bourgogne, grenat, sang^^)

– Corail (et tous les orangés)

– Rose foncé (framboise, fuchsia, pourpre)

1. Quel rouge à lèvres pour votre beauté?

1.1 Couleur

Pour faire simple, je pense que toutes les femmes peuvent porter toutes les couleurs de rouge suscitées quelle que soit leur teint.

Ça vous fait une belle jambe (à défaut d’une belle bouche) n’est ce pas?

En fait, c’est possible, parce que, pour chacune de ces teintes, il existe des sous-teintes et que dans ces sous-teintes, il y en aura forcément une qui vous ira.

Donc si vous avez envie de porter du corail, allez-y et essayez sur vous pour voir le résultat in situ. Le rouge, c’est comme les fringues, on essaie avant d’acheter!

Si vous n’êtes pas sure de votre jugement demandez à votre mec, à votre copine, à votre chat, ou autre.

Pour vous prouver que toutes les femmes peuvent porter toutes les teintes je vous ai préparé une revue de liens illustrant les quatre familles de couleurs de rouge majeures portées sur toutes les carnations et chevelures.

Rouge vif

Super pin-up! Joli sur les blondes, les brunes, les métisses/indiennes, les asiatiques/latinos, les rousses, etc.


Glamour et dramatique. Vu et approuvé sur blondes, les peaux métisses/indiennes, les asiatiques/latinos, les rousses, etc


Frais et gai. Super sur les blondes, les brunes, les métisses/indiennes, les asiatiques/latinos, les rousses, etc

Rose foncé

Séduisant et sophistiqué. Adorable sur blondes, brunes, métisses/indiennes, asiatiques/ latinos, rousses, etc

La seule chose que je vous déconseille de faire est de choisir des couleurs vives ou foncées si vous avez des lèvres vraiment fines.

À partir d’un certain âge, le « statement lipstick » comme sur les exemples ci-dessus est compliqué à porter, notamment car il révèle les petites rides du contour des lèvres, et il est préférable d’opter pour des tonalités naturelles.

Si vous voulez des conseils style personnalisés, pourquoi ne pas faire appel à mes services de coaching stylistique en personne ou à distance

1.2 Effets et application

Il existe différentes textures de rouge à lèvres: crèmeux, mat, glossy and nacré.

Si vous avez des lèvres fines, optez pour les effets shiny qui donnent du volume.

Si vous avez des lèvres pulpeuses, soyez prudentes à ne pas trop en faire avec des matières excessivement brillantes.

Choisissez également votre rouge à lèvres en fonction du style que vous souhaitez vous donner. Le mat est très sophistiqué, le glossy est frais, le crémeux glamour et le nacré… pas vraiment mon préféré pour être honnête, je le trouve un tantinet ringard.

Vous pouvez opter pour une application très définie à l’aide d’un pinceau et d’un crayon à lèvres. Ce dernier doit être d’une couleur proche de votre rouge à lèvres (pas plus foncée par pitié!). Tracez le contour de votre bouche puis remplissez le pour éviter de voir l’intérieur disparaître au fur et à mesure de la journée. Attention, n’essayez par de tricher en augmentant le contour naturel de vos lèvres, c’est toujours cheap.

Si vous préférez un effet « lèvres mordues » plus naturel, orientez vous vers une application floue au doigt.

1.3 Maquillage associé

Comme toujours, l’idéal est de se créer une base de teint impeccable dans sa couleur naturelle (n’essayez pas de vous bronzer artificiellement). Quand vous portez un rouge à forte personnalité, ayez la main légère sur le blush, votre visage est déjà illuminé par la teinte de votre bouche.

Du côté du regard, vous pouvez faire l’impasse sur le maquillage pour un résultat pointu, mettre du mascara pour un effet frais et féminin, dessiner un trait de liner pour une allure de pin-up ou vous créer un smokey eye sulfureux.

Je vous conseille d’éviter de porter une couleur supplémentaire sur vos yeux au risque de ressembler à un perroquet (aussi jolis soient ces derniers, ils ne sont pas nos icônes de style).

Cependant, et comme toujours en mode, il est possible d’obtenir de très jolis résultats avec la bonne combinaison! Les téméraires qui veulent tenter le combo devront jouer sur les couleurs complémentaires: un fin trait de liner émeraude avec des lèvres framboise, un smokey bleu marine avec des lèvres corail ou sur les couleurs voisines comme le violet et le bordeaux (un mix brillamment porté par Jessica Chastain sur cette photo).

Jessica Chastain Burgundy + purple

Jessica Chastain

Côté  texture et effets, je vous conseille de contraster yeux et bouche. Paupières dorées irisées et bouche bordeaux mat font merveille ensemble alors que l’alliance fard irisé et bouche glossy est souvent too much.

Enfin, je vous invite à de ne pas accorder vos ongles et vos lèvres. Ce n’est pas une faute de gout, loin de là, mais c’est un peu passé. Préférez associer des couleurs complémentaires ou porter vos ongles nus et nickels.

Voilà, maintenant que vous savez tout ou presque sur la manière d’accorder votre rouge à votre teint et à votre maquillage, passons au reste de la tenue 🙂

2. Quel rouge à lèvres pour mon look?

2.1 Le rouge à  lèvres porté comme seule couleur de votre tenue

Le rouge à lèvres est l’arme secrète des jours où vous n’avez pas envie de vous casser la tête sur votre tenue. Une bouche colorée et hop, vous voilà habillée (n’allez pas jusqu’à sortir en petite culotte, ne me faites pas dire ce que je n’ai pas dit).

Par exemple, un simplissime jean T-shirt prend une nouvelle dimension associé à un beau rouge!

2.2 Le rouge à lèvre porté comme couleur complémentaire de votre tenue

Associez votre rouge à votre look comme le feriez avec n’importe quel autre habit (le rouge est un vêtement).

Et rappelez vous qu’avec les couleurs neutres, toutes les associations fonctionnent 🙂

Quand vous portez déjà des couleurs, soyez attentive: par exemple le corail flashy ne s’intègre pas dans une harmonie automnale.

Pour devenir une bête de style, pensez (ENCORE) couleurs complémentaires et couleurs de la même famille dans différentes intensités.

Quelques inspirations:

– Lèvres roses et top vert

– Bleu layette et lèvres corail

– Rose pastel et lèvres bordeaux

2.3 Le rouge à lèvres raconte une histoire de style

Rose glossy = je suis innocente

Rouge vif mat = j’ai un style pointu

Bordeaux crémeux = je suis glamour

On peut donc opter soit pour un rouge qui vient souligner l’esprit de notre tenue (le rouge vif porté avec la petite robe noire à la Roland Mouret) soit pour un lipstick en opposition (le même rouge vif avec jean boyfriend et marcel blanc). Deux options parfaitement stylées!

– Tenues et rouge en harmonie stylistique

– Combinaison noire à la  Saint-Laurent + lèvres bordeaux

– Robe florale fraîche + lèvres corail

– Tenues et rouge en clash stylistique

– Costume d’homme gris et rose framboise

– Doux pastels bcbg et lèvres raisin foncé punk (voir ci-dessus)

J’espère que cet article vous aura donné des idées!

Et vous? Comment portez vous votre rouge?

Bisous de Paris!

PS: Les meilleurs tutos make-up du monde sont sur le site de Lisa Eldridge’s

199 Responses to “Comment choisir votre rouge à lèvres”
  1. sidhika dit :

    This is such an amazing blog thank you so much!! keep posting very well done i was so confused about choose lipstick shade but this blog helps me alot thank you so much!

  2. Idol Lips dit :

    To get plumper lips is on the wish list of any woman who wants to feel beautiful. Discover how Idol Lips can make heads turn and give you the confidence of a Hollywood star. The Idol Lips Plumper uses the latest technologies to instantly plump, hydrate and moisturize for healthier, sexier looking lips.

  3. Gayatri dit :

    Lovely article

    What colour of lipstick goes with mauve dress

    • Aloïs Guinut dit :

      Honestly, mauve is like a neutral, almost any lipstick color will go with it! Cannot think of one that would not work. Burgundy? Good. Fuchsia? Lovely. Brown? Perfect. Bright red? Adorable

  4. Shovana samal dit :

    hi..which color lipstick will suit grey top? I was thinking of pink or purple.

  5. Nichole Schrieber dit :

    Hi there beautiful women! I’m going to a wedding and I’m wearing a metallic gold dress with either black heels with a gold buckle or red heels with gold accents. I have blonde hair and green eyes and lightly sun kissed skin. For eyes I was thinks golds and brown eye shadows? What should I do for the lipstick? Red, burgundy, a nude pink color, a coral color of corse with black shoes.

  6. Nicole L dit :

    Hi! I’m having a formal in a few weeks with a nude/ really light salmon-pinkish dress and gold shoes and accessories. For makeup, I was going for a gold smokey eye but I was unsure about a lipstick color and texture (matte, creamy, glossy, etc.). I have asian features (black hair, dark brown eyes, etc.). This was so helpful btw!! Thank you!

  7. Mercy Slepicoff dit :

    hi, what lip and eye shadowcan i wear with a floral dress, the back ground is beige with different pick shapes of flowers. My skin tone is medium brown.

  8. Hannah dit :

    I have a dance coming up and I found a wonderful dress at Macy’s. It’s a dusty rose color, described as mauve. I don’t know much about makeup but I’d like to get an idea of what color of lipstick I should get. I am Indian and have fair-ish skin (a Pantone 71-4 C). Help!

  9. Sydney dit :

    I am wearing a royal blue dress and the gems have greens, yellow and orange the reflects for prom this weekend. I have lighter skin tone like an ivory color and have hazel eyes. What color of lips should I go with?

    • Aloïs Guinut dit :

      Royal blue being a very strong color and because you have colorful jewels, I would skip on lipstick with just a scrub and lip balm and focuss on eyes (silver eye liner for instance).

  10. Shayn dit :

    Hey there, I’m a mocha brown girl. Dark brown hair which sometimes looks a bit black-ish and is quite long. I have dark brown eyes. So in two days time it’s my birtyday. I’ll turn 15 and i’m still in school, so I don’t want my look t be too bright or too much. I’m going to wear an olive colored dress and black heels. Also I will have wings (for my eyes haha) and mascara. I’m searching for a nice lipstick colour to match it with 🙂 I don’t like wearing pink and raspberry since I think those colors don’t really match with my skin. I like to wear red (not too bright) and burgundy colors.

    Please help me find the right color :),
    Thanks in advance

  11. Leah dit :

    Hi! I’m going to be wearing a navy blue dress for a wedding. I have fair skin and brown hair and medium to thin lips. What color of lipstick would you suggest wearing? I was thinking a pale nude or pink?

  12. Leah dit :

    I’m going to be wearing a navy blue, vintage with lace, dress for my brother’s wedding. I’m going to be wearing white or black shoes, and I have hazel eyes and darkish brown hair and kinda of thin lips (bottom lip is bigger than top). But I don’t think I look good in red lipstick. What color do you think would look best?

  13. Eva dit :

    Hi love the post!!

    I am going to a posh party in the summer and am planning to wear a long navy dress. Want to wear black sandals with it, but am not sure what colour lipstick to go with!?

    I am very fair skinned and have auburn hair and many freckles! I want the main focus to be the lips and the dress not the awkwardly bright freckles and blue eyes hiding behind tortoiseshell glasses!

    Any ideas what would be the best colours that won’t take over my entire face but also wont make me look boring?!

    Would love to hear from you! Thank you x

  14. Majo dit :

    Hi. I’ll be attending by boyfriend’s brother’s wedding and I’m thinking of wearing a raspberry-colored lace cocktail dress and thinking of matching it with gold accessories. What do you think pairs best as a lipstick shade — same fuchsia color or more on the neutral shade? Thanks in advance for the help! 🙂

  15. ciarra dit :

    Hi! I really need your help. I’m going to a party and I’m going to wear a black dress with some gold accessories. I don’t know what makeup should I do coz I’m a newbie in terms of makeup. Will I use a red lipstick or a darker red shade? I’m 18 yrs old, black hair, medium complexion, baby face I guess lol

  16. Jes dit :

    Hi I’m going to a party tomorrow and I’ll be wearing a black dress with nude shoes and a black and nude clutch, I have auburn hair and quite fair skin and I love wearing red lipstick – would it be appropriate or should I stick with a more natural colour because of the nude accessories? Thank you!

  17. Carolina dit :

    Hey! I love your website and your articles.

    I have a New Year’s Eve dance I’m going to, and I can’t decide what lipstick to use. I want a bold, statement color, so I’ve narrowed my limited collection to a bright coral or a bright red. What colors would look good with either of these? I was either thinking of wearing a navy/white floral dress or a burgundy/black shirt & skirt combo.

    Also, I have black hair, brown -black eyes and a medium complexion. I’m in my teens, so I want to keep my combination youthful.

    Thanks in advance!

  18. sim dit :

    I ll be wearing royal blue colred dress with black stilettos.. m havng fair complexion.. what kind of makeup nd lip colr will compliment it.

  19. SarahV dit :

    Hi there,
    I’m getting married in may and my dress will be ivory over champagne. I have fair skin, medium blonde hair and very green but fairy dark eyes. In pictures you usually can’t tell they’re green and I really wish that you could especially when I get married. I’ll be 30 and will post the pics on social media so I want to keep it classy and sophisticated but still a little sexy 😉 What kinds of colors should I go for eyes/lips?

  20. Razel dit :


    We’ll be having a bohemian theme Christmas party next month. My outfit would be dark brown square pants with red tops and black stylish chaleco on it. May I ask for your advice on what shade of lipstick best match my complicated outfit? I appreciate your advice.

  21. Louise dit :

    Hi! I have a fitted dress in a darker shade of red for prom. I want to use bronze-y eyeshadow and eyelash extensions because I am Asian. I have brown hair and eyes and a fair to medium skin tone. I was thinking of wearing a matching dark red lipstick but it might be too much. What would you suggest? Thank you!!

  22. Razel dit :

    Hi, I will be attending a corporate party tonight. I will be wearing a silver square pants and an off shoulder purple top. Please help on what shade of lipstick and make-up should I match my outfit. Thank you!

  23. Rebecca dit :

    Please Help! I’m dark haired, fair skinned with bluey/ green eyes. I’m wearing a dark green dress, I don’t wear much makeup, what coloured lipstick and eyeshadow/ eyeliner should I wear? It’s for an evening posh party. Thank you.

  24. Barb dit :

    I am wearing an ivory and gold dress to daughter’s wedding in October. I am 61, medium complexion, brunette. What color lipstick? I have full lips that are naturally pigmented

  25. Sinead dit :

    Going to a wedding this weekend. Wearing a navy waterfall skirt and grey top. Wondering what color lipstick to choose? Irish..sallow skin, blonde.

  26. Tee Tee dit :

    Hello i am loving the blog its very helpful for me. But i just need a little help on a color lip stick so normally i wear make-up occasionally but never been much a lip stick girl, but anyways its my mom’s birthday party and i wanted to try something differnt i have a olive green long-sleeve dress, nude ankle boots. i am a mocha brown skin with curly dark brown hair. help what color should i go for?????

  27. Kristina dit :

    Hi! I will be going to a wedding and will wear a dark fuchsia dress. I am Asian and have a medium complexion. What color of lipstick should i wear?

  28. shagun Bajaj dit :

    how colour of lipstick i use with white and blue dress combination.. i want blue i shadow with my dress so how colour of lipstick i use for good look plz help

  29. I am a african with a dark complexion. I am going to a wedding will be wearing a dark royal blue and gold dress don’t know what color lipsticks to wear. PLEASE HELP.

  30. Dr.DMD dit :


    I love the blog however I’m Not into lipstick lol, kind of scared of them but I’m wearing red jeans, and a white fitted top what color lipstick would be perfect?

  31. Jessica dit :

    My dress is white with a deep sky blue pattern. I have an olive skin tone with dark hair and eyes. What colou r lipstick will suit me?

  32. Shubnam dit :

    Hi your article is very helpful thanks I wanted to ask I’m going to an evening party and I am wearing a choc brown and gold colour dress. My complexion is medium brown to fair what lipstick colour would look nice ?

  33. Madiha Kanwal dit :

    I have a white color dress with light blue embroidery on it (front shirt)
    And a mix up of printed design in blue and red on the back.. My shoes color is dark red and black.. I want to wear navy blue lipstick on it.. Does that lipstick shade suit on me and my outfit?
    I have a fair complexion not too white or brown, just medium tone

  34. Jackie dit :

    Some quick advice. I have a very important meeting with an Asian Client. Wearing black trousers and silk shirt with a bright clear red overcoat. As I have blonde grey hair (not yet silver) blue eyes and pale skin (blue veins on wrist) what colour lipstick and nail colour would you suggest? Love your blog by the way.

  35. Kerry dit :

    What a fantastic , informative article.

    My question is regarding a graphite/grey lace dress that I am wearing to my sons wedding. I normally wear reds/burgundy, but have been told that a ‘vintage pink’ with smokey eyes would go best – what are your thoughts?

    Thanks in advance 🙂

  36. Malaika dit :

    Oh my gawd this post gave me an adrenalin rush!
    Hi, I’m malaika from India and my birthday’s coming up. I’m wearing mint green pants with a feminine fuchsia tee. I am visually challenged with two different eyes – a white scar on the right one. I’m told that my skin is medium with neutral to cool undertones.
    Do you think you could suggest me lip and eye colours and shoes?
    Many many thanks and hugs.

  37. Suzie Lawburg dit :

    I’m a redhead and have fair to light freckled skin and I’m thinkin of getting a navy blue lip color from Kylie Cosmetics tomorrow and i have a lot of different answers so I was wondering what your answer would be, would this go well or not

  38. Alexa dit :

    This is such a great and helpful blog post, thank you!

    I’m thinking of potentially wearing a hunter/emerald green dress to my cousins wedding. What lip color do you think would go best? And just a black liner for the eye, or eyeshadow too?

    Thank you!!

  39. Zee dit :

    Hey, I’ll be wearing a beige colored dress for a wedding. Could you please suggest me a lip color? And what color should I paint my nails? I’ve a medium complexion with brown eyes.
    Thanks! xx

  40. Alana dit :

    Hey, I am wearing a dark navy blue long elegant dress to my school ball. I am going for either a natural brown eye look or a dark eye look, What lipsticks would be best for those looks? Please and thank you

  41. Stephanie dit :

    Hi, I have my prom coming up in a few weeks, so I was wondering what lip shade would be best with a cobalt blue long dress and I’m wearing gold accessories. I was also wondering if there is any particular bands you would suggest?

  42. Ava dit :

    Hi what lipstick would go well with a baby blue cocktail dress? I am fair/medium skin and light brown hair. Thank you! Love the article

  43. sam dit :

    Hi, my dress for my sis wedding is brownish maroon and grey. What lip color would go with it? I am fair with black hair and eyes

  44. Laila dit :

    Hi Alois
    This article is amazing, thanks so much. Im not overly girly so this helps me heaps.

    Although i am struggling, im heading to a masquerade ball on the weekend, i have a navy long gown, with navy heals, and a navy/black mask. What color would you suggest as i couldnt work out if i go natural nade or a pale pink, or im completely off base

  45. Maria dit :

    I meant to say teal dress in my last comment…

  46. Maria dit :


    I am going to a graduation ceremony this weekend and I am wearing a real dress. I have a fair complexion with light brown hair and hazel eyes. What would you suggest for makeup? This article was great!!

  47. Maureen dit :

    Hi, Can you tell me what color lipstick I should wear with a navy blue/salmon chevron-patterned sleeveless maxi dress? I have fair skin, blue eyes and brown hair with a lot of red in it. Thank you so much!!

  48. Kiran dit :

    Hi, I love this article! I have a rosewood pink color long dress with black tiny stripes.Which color lipstick to go with ?

  49. MS dit :


    Can you tell what lipstick should I use if I wear a sea green and white dress? I have very fair skin and brown eyes and hair.

    Thank you so much!

  50. Tanner dit :

    Hi! I’m going to a graduation ceremony this week and am wearing a black and white skirt with a maroon top. I have very fair skin, lots of freckles, and red hair. I was wondering what color lipstick would compliment my fair skin and outfit best? Thank you!

  51. Larissa dit :

    Hi, I am going to the races in a powder/sky blue lacy dress, I’m a dark redhead with freckles and fair skin, what lipstick would you advise? I was thinking coral?
    Thank you so much!

  52. Janice dit :

    Hi Alois! Going to a formal and have a long black dress with sequins. Don’t know what lipstick colour would look good with my Asian features (black hair, brown eyes and tanned skin). And don’t know whether to go matte, creamy or glossy. What would you recommend?

  53. Karley dit :

    Hi! I’ve really enjoyed reading all of the posts here! I am wearing a blush/nude/pink dress to a wedding, it’s pretty and pleated and flows. I have a nude clutch and heels. I have blonde hair and light to medium complexion. I’ve just had my nails done in a very neutral colour. I’m thinking minimal eye makeup and raspberry lips? Could you please share your recommendation of eye and lip colours?

    • Aloïs Guinut dit :

      Minimal eyes and raspberry lips sound perfect!
      If you girls enjoy the reading, please share my posts on Facebook and talk about my blog to your friends 😉

  54. Gitanjali Suresh dit :

    I have my graduation coming up and this year im going traditional. Therefore ill be wearing an Indian saree which is a mixture blue and gold. I will also be wearing golden earings. So I would like to know what colour lipstick would go with this outfit.

  55. Chelsea dit :

    I have a prom coming up and would like to know what lipstick colour I should use. I am brown in complexion and my prom dress is white and gold.

  56. Sonya dit :

    I would like to know what colour of lipstick would go with an all navy outfit, long evening dress and hat.

  57. Mekayla dit :

    I have a formal coming up i have a tight black dress with nude shoes, i have a brown skin tone and I’m not too sure what lipstick colour would suit?

  58. Emani dit :

    I’m going to a party and I am wearing an all black outfit with a army green cardigan. I didn’t know if I should wear a matte purple or a matte burgundy. Which one would go best?

  59. Ngakwana dit :

    I am caramel in complexion and have a graduation coming up ,I am planning to wear a tight black dress with a bit of gold on the shoulders and black and gold shoes. I wanted to ask which make up is suitable and which lip color should I go for

  60. Deondra dit :

    What kind of lipstick would go with a denim sky blue shirt and black jeans

  61. Meryl Burke dit :

    Love this page! I am a copper redhead with blue eyes and freckles. I have a bridesmaids dress for this spring that is granny smith apple green. Can I do a fuschia lipstick or is it best to stick with coral?

  62. Natasha Cool dit :

    I’m have a dance coming up and I have bought a Mint Green dress with Black Pumps. What color lipstick do you think would go good with the outfit I have red hair and a fair complexion:)

  63. Natasha dit :

    What color lipstick would go with a teal dress and black pumps

  64. Missy dit :

    Very usefull,
    What colour lipstick could i wear with a mild green teal maxi with gold embroidery

  65. Des dit :

    Hi…I appreciate your help. I’m wearing a black and coral dress. I have been searching for the right lipstick, can you advise? I am of dark complexion.

  66. Viva dit :

    Hi I really need some help I’m wearing a tight full sleeve lace navy dress with a few sequins here and there and I have no idea what color lipstick to wear. Thank you!

  67. Usha Mahendru dit :

    I am wearing a skin colour suit with black embroidery on the neck, which colour of lipstick will go with this?

  68. Shae dit :

    I need urgent help!!!!
    I am wearing a white dress but it has purple and blue flowers on it. Not to girly and not to gothic but just in the middle. I need help with my make up I have sort of thin lips but not too thin a little plump, what colour lipstick do I wear that will compliment me dress and skin nicely (skin tone is beige, well at least that’s what I use for foundation) and what eye make and blush should I use ?!
    Thank youuuu xo

  69. Harpreet dit :


    I have a dress with beige shirt ,purple scarf (it has work on it with golden) and royal blue bottom. Can you please help me, which lipstick shade n makeup, I have to wear with it. It’s a very special occasion.

    Thank you

  70. Emily Deutmeyer dit :

    My show choir has a dilemma. Our first outfit for our competition show is silver, and our second outfit is red. What color of lipstick do you suggest we use?

  71. Alicia dit :

    Hi Aloïs,

    I just wanted to say that your blog is fantastic and extremely helpful. Thank you for your posts!

    (Also, I went and bought a nice, burgundy lipstick after reading this post)

  72. Morga dit :

    I have a off white/tan dress with silver sparkles and am wearing neutral eye makeup, though it had a gold metallic kinda shade but really light. Will red nails and red lips look good with this. If not what color lips/nails?

  73. Marissa Jones dit :

    For homecoming, My date and I are wearing black and light pink. My accessories will be gold. What color lipstick would work?

  74. Mckenna dit :

    Hi. My first homecoming is coming up. Would creamy red look good with a short navy blue dress?

  75. Liz dit :

    Hi there!
    I know someone already asked about a plum colored dress, but I have a wedding in October and it will be an outside wedding. My bridesmaid dress is a dark purple and we will all be wearing black pumps and black jewelry. I am trying to go for a minimalist make up look. What lipstick shade would you recommend? I am brunette, green eyes (yes I want to make them pop!) and semi-tanned skin. Please help!


  76. psha dit :

    Hey.. i was wondering if i could get some color advices
    I have a party this weekend for which I am wearing a plum (main color)+slight pink+black (2nd main) dress. Could u pls advise me on the lipstick color i could use and also the eyes please

    • Aloïs Guinut dit :

      With all those lipstick color in your dress, I recommend you to skip lipstick and go for eye makeup. Otherwise go for raspberry lipstick.

  77. Alexa dit :


    This was such a helpful article. I have a wedding tomorrow and I’m considering wearing a black dress that has light mint popping through the detailing. What color lipstick could I wear with it? And also what would be the best eye makeup?
    I may also be wearing a grey dress with a black band around it and black heels, any lipstick color that might pair good with that??

    Thank you!

  78. Sadbh dit :

    Hi, I was wondering if I could get some advice for my lipstick colour?
    My outfit is a white, sally cut, crop top and navy (slightly floral), high waisted shorts and I’m wearing it for a night out with my friends clubbing. My make-up is smokey eye and dark and I’ll be using bronzer rather than a blush. I also have dark hair and features, but with fair skin!

    I was considering going without lipstick and instead opt for lipgloss but i don’t know. If anyone could help me it would really be appreciated 🙂

    • Aloïs Guinut dit :

      Skipping the lipstick sounds fine as the rest of your makeup is heavy. Bests. If you wear a gloss prefer a fruity one rather than a creamy sparkly one.

  79. Aja brown dit :

    Hi my homecoming dress is burgandy my jewelry is gold and my heels are black with gold wrap around straps bit I have no idea what color lipstick I should wear or even if I should apply any I am dark skinned with brown hair. Thank you

  80. Nicole dit :

    Hi, if it’s alright with you, I’d like to ask for some colour tips.

    I’m wearing a dress with a light teal which deepens to a slightly darker teal, and then it goes to a deep-ish orange at the bottom.

    This is all with a black line pattern through the whole dress.

    What lipstick colour should I wear? ((I’m caucasian with medium brown hair w some blonde))

    Thank you, and sorry!

  81. Rosa aleman dit :

    I please advise me am going to a wedding and I will be wearing A fuchsia with black dress I am having trouble figure out what color lipstick to to wear with my dress because I do noT like pink or fuchsia color as a makeup I am Latino my hair color is dark brown with ighlights please help me thank you

    • Aloïs Guinut dit :

      As your dress already has a « lipstick color », my advice is to skip the lipstick. Just scrub your lips and use some lip balm and that’s it! You can go for a light gloss too.

  82. Brianna dit :

    Hi I have a grade 8 graduation soon and I’m wearing a royal blue dress. I was wondering what colour lips would go well with it. I have dark hair, and light skin, and am opting for a natural makeup look.

    • Aloïs Guinut dit :

      Hello, Royal blue is a pretty harsh color.
      Therefore I would remain light on lip makeup.
      A sweet coral with transparency would be nice.

  83. Funmi dit :

    I am wearing a long purple dress for my sisters wedding. I also opted for gold/champagne colored shoes. I was wondering what color of lipstick would go perfectly with this outfit and would make me look matured more mature (i look way younger than my age). I am dark skinned.
    Thanks 🙂

  84. Funmi dit :

    I am wearing a black and blush striped skater dress for graduation. I also opted for blush shoes to keep it simple. I was wondering what color of lipstick would bring the outfit alive and make me look sexy vibrant and mature. I am dark skinned.
    Thanks 🙂

  85. tee jay dit :

    What lipstick color would you recommed with a pink n silver colour dress?

    • Aloïs Guinut dit :

      Hello, with pink or red colored dress, lipstick is often not necessary as the dress enlightens the face itself.
      Otherwise, it completely depends of the shade of pink on your dress so I cannot answer.
      PS: I appreciate « hi » and « please » 🙂

  86. Jess dit :

    Hello! I’m wearing a coral colored formal dress soon and was wondering if you had any recommendations on color choice? thanks!

  87. Alexa dit :

    I am wearing a pastel pink skirt and beige/ whitish shirt on Saturday going with a bright coral purse. Would purple lipstick look bad??

    • Aloïs Guinut dit :

      I think if it is pale it might look doll like. If darker it can work as long as your outfits feels a bit « rock ». Otherwise just choose a coral a different sahde than the one of the purse.

  88. Jenny dit :

    I’m struggling with picking out a lipstick or gloss color to wear with a deep fuchsia-colored top. I will be wearing a bold black necklace with it, and I have warm medium brown hair and brown/hazel eyes. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

  89. Aileen dit :

    What lipstick color would you recommed with an aqua-blue dress?

  90. Miranda dit :

    I really love this article, and it helped a lot. I have to wear a dark green « tactical » polo shirt (almost the same color as the emerald dress in your article) for work everyday, with jeans, and tan ankle work boots. My fiance suggested that burgundy, black cherry, and darker lipsticks in general did not go well with the green shirt and are pretty hard for me to pull off. The best match I have found so far has been a peachy coral but I am tired of wearing the same color everyday. With a neutral/warm skin tone, medium to beige complexion, small upper lip, greenish-blue eyes, and light brown hair, do you have any suggestions? I have the hardest time picking out lipstick. Thank you so much.

  91. Harpreet dit :

    Brilliant article. Very concise and informative for beginners like me 🙂

    I have one question about colourful outfits, for example yellows, greens, pinks. What colour lipstick would you wear?

    • Aloïs Guinut dit :

      Well, it depends of the yellow, of the green and of the pink 🙂
      For yellow, for instance, I’ll wear plum or burgundy for mustard yellow and, for pastel yellow, I’ll skip or would wear a very neutral color and emphasize the eye makeup.
      Generally, if you wear a super bright color, like flashy blue or green, yellow or pink, I advise you to go for the eye rather than for the lips.

  92. Kelly dit :

    Hi, I love this article! So good.

    I am usually a vibrant red lipstick wearer. Although I have a dress which is raspberry pink (wont let me attach, but google « Lipsy Sweetheart Pencil Dress with Wrap Skirt ») and was wondering what colour lipstick you thought would be a good choice? I have blonde hair and fair to medium skin tone

    Any help would be greatly appreciated 🙂 Thank you x

  93. Lina dit :

    Wow, thanks for the great advice! Haven’t seen anything like this posted before. I’ll be passing this along to others. 🙂

  94. Angel dit :

    This helps so much! But i still can’t decide what to wear with my teal green dress 🙁

  95. Annie dit :

    Oh my goodness this helps me so much with lipstick! I can’t find any other articles like this one, thank you!!

  96. Jessica-Anne dit :

    Hi there Alois! Thanks so much for the comment on my blog! Loving this post, it’s so thorough and there were a few lipstick tricks and tips that were new to me 🙂 I also noticed that the photo of the lips at the beginning of the post is a picture that I actually reblogged on my Tumblr a few days ago! Such a small world 🙂

    Pop by and visit my blog Taken By Surprise! xx

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