Que porter pour faire du tourisme urbain?

Ca y est! Votre avion et votre hôtel sont réservés et vous avez hâte d’arriver à Londres/Barcelone/Vienne/New York/la destination de vos rêves pour quelques jours de folie.

Mais il vous reste une dernière chose à faire et pas la moindre: LA VALISE.

Comment s’habiller pour voyager en ville?

Sachant qu’on veut rester élégante alors qu’on va marcher toute la journée sous le soleil écrasant/la pluie battante/ un froid de gueux.

Et bien sûr, on ne veut pas ressembler à une touriste.

Voici quelques conseils pour bien préparer votre valise.

A emporter list:

1. Des basiques à la fois confortables et élégants

Avantage: vous pourrez tous les mixer les uns avec les autres.

– Jeans et pantalons de couleurs neutres

– Une jupe ou des shorts ni trop longs ni trop courts avec lesquels vous pourrez marcher

– Quelques chemises

– Quelques tops en coton

– Cardigan/pullover

– Un trench/ un blazer/ un manteau

– Une tenue de soirée si besoin

Ce qu’il ne faut pas porter si on ne veut pas ressembler à un touriste:

– Des pantacourts (aaaargh) et plus particulièrement ceux avec des lacets de resserage en bas et des poches sur les côtés

– Des joggings (sauf si vous êtes une IsabelleMarantista et que vous les portez avec des talons hauts ou que vous êtes Marc Jacobs himself)

– Une polaire Décathlon (se promener n’est pas randonner)

– To ce qui peut évoquer l’univers du sport (K-Way, vêtement géothermiques, chaussures de randonnée, etc)

– Trop de couleurs flashy

2. Une ou deux paires de chaussures confortables et classes

– Les baskets sont une option parfaitement stylée! En plus vous avez de la chance comme elles sont super à la mode en ce moment, on en trouve des belles partout: New balance, Stan Smith, Converse, Bensimon, etc… Attention toutefois à ne pas confondre jolies sneakers de villes et grosses runnings qui ont fait le marathon.

– N’importe quelles chaussures plates

– Des boots ou sandales à gros talon large et pas très haut: tout aussi confort.

Si vous prévoyez des sorties plus habillées, emportez une paire de talons.

Ce qu’il ne faut pas porter si on ne veut pas ressembler à une touriste:

– Des chaussures de randonnées ou de salle de sport

– Une pédicure douteuse

– Des ballerines. Sauf si vous êtes une espèce génétiquement modifiée qui ne transpire pas et ne craint pas la pluie.

3. Un bon sac

Assez large pour transporter votre barda toute la journée, assez confortable pour ne pas vous emmener droit chez le kiné, assez résistant pour pouvoir le poser sur les pavés et assez élégant pour que vous ayez la classe.

Comme vous n’en emporterez certainement qu’un, optez pour un basique qui peut être porté jour et nuit et s’accorder à toutes vos tenues.

Le sac de balade idéal est léger, a une large sangle et se porte soit à l’épaule, soit sur le dos.

Glissez un sac en coton naturel dedans au cas ou vous auriez besoin de plus de contenance.

Bags for Paris
Bags for Paris by dresslikeaparisian

A éviter pour ne pas ressembler aux bronzés:

– La fameuse banane (mais vous n’aviez pas besoin de moi pour le savoir) ^^

– Le sac à dos à la Décathlon (seuls les sacs sporty à la Alexander Wang sont stylés )

4. Quelques accessoires

Poids = léger. Valeur mode ajoutée = lourde.

– Quelques bijoux

– Un rouge à lèvres et un vernis à ongles

– Une écharpe et des gants si c’est la saison

– Un joli parapluie

5. Quelques idées de looks de voyage urbain pour les quatre saisons


Spring day in Paris
Spring day in Paris by dresslikeaparisian

Plus un petit T-shirt sous le pull si il se mettait à faire chaud.


Summer outfit for Paris
Summer outfit for Paris by dresslikeaparisian

Pensez au trench ou à la petite veste pour les soirées fraîches


Autum day in Paris
Autum day in Paris by dresslikeaparisian

Avec une chemise de qualité sous votre pull irlandais, vous êtes parées en cas d’invitation dans un beau restaurant

Relevez votre pantalon pour dévoiler vos jolies chevilles et ajoutez des chaussettes pailletées émeraude si ça vous dit.


Winter day in Paris
Winter day in Paris by dresslikeaparisian

Les petits talons sont aussi confortables que des chaussures plates et l’effet peau de serpent apporte du style à la tenue.

Une parka bien choisie peut être élégante.

Ici, les gants et le rouge apportent de la couleur à cette tenue classique dans les tons neutres.

==> Et hop! Vous serez la plus belle pour aller tourister.

6. Et si on sort?

Facile, il suffit d’ajouter quelques accessoires à votre tenue de la journée et voilà!

Ci-dessous, voici la tenue « automne » glamourisée par du rouge à lèvres et à ongles, la chemise légèrement transparent que l’on ouvrira, et un joli collier qui ne pèsera pas dans votre sac.

Fall/winter outfit for a bar or restaurant in Paris
Fall/winter outfit for a bar or restaurant in Paris by dresslikeaparisian

Et voici la tenue « été » avec une jupe légèrement plus courte, de fins colliers et des talons à la fois hauts et confortables.

Bar night out in Paris
Bar night out in Paris by dresslikeaparisian featuring an essie nail polish

Si vous allez danser toute la nuit, ne martyrisez pas vos petits orteils en optant pour des chaussures trop hautes.

Je vous ai préparé des tenues très classiques, mais vous pouvez être bien plus créatives!

Alors, prête à embarquer?
Collage de couverture: Karla’s closet, trouvé sur on closetonthego, Colcci backstage à la fashion week de Sao Paolo
64 Responses to “Que porter pour faire du tourisme urbain?”
  1. Lisa dit :

    Hi! I am loving your advice on what to wear in Paris. I am not able to view the images posted as example outfits throughout the post. I would love to view them!

  2. Dr. Judith dit :

    I am 76, but look a bit younger … 5 ft, petite but not thin. My daughter is 52, 5 f 7″ and looks elegant in everything. We will be in Paris June 19 for a few days. Need advice for both of us on touring during the day and dining in untouristy but nice cafes or brasseries etc. during evenings. I am mostly concerned with footwear both during the day and evening. Also, is wearing a jean jacket (or a black one in the same style) unchic? Dress me, please.

  3. Gigi dit :

    How about boys wearing sneakers around Paris. My kids only own sneakers and don’t even know what else I could buy them that they’d wear. Sad but true…

  4. Kim dit :

    Great post, thank you. My best friend and I are travelling to Paris this Saturday(!) for four days and I’ve struggling to choose what to pack.

  5. Caroline dit :

    I’m going to Paris on the 10th of this month and I was just going to ask this because so many people have told me it’s not lady-like to wear tank tops. Now of course I won’t be s’porting a « wife beater » or just a cotton top it will be tasteful. I was just asking your views and opinions on teen age clothing in Paris.

    Thanks, Caroline.

  6. Carol Rowland dit :

    I am in my 60’s and my husband and I will travel to Paris in September. What are your thoughts about dress for day for visiting the Museums, Eiffel tower, etc. My thoughts were, nice ankle jeans and neutral ankle slacks with blouses or shirts and nice cardigans and Ecco Soft 7 leather mahogany or navy sneakers.

    Also, I am in a quandary about what style handbag to wear when touring. Do you think a crossbody or shoulder bag would be good as far as security goes? I’ve been reading about pickpocketing in Paris and I think I may be a little too paranoid. I don’t like the ‘typical’ travel handbags with the WIDE straps but I don’t want to put myself in a vulnerable situation where thieves can ‘cut or slash’ a narrow strap on a crossbody style. I am not one to be cavalier about safety. That being said, I don’t want to wear my expensive bags with more narrow straps and risk being snatched. Your help is greatly appreciated.

    • Aloïs Guinut dit :

      Your thoughts sound timeless and nice.
      Do not worry too much about the bag, I work with a lot of foreigners and not one has told me about having been stolen yet. A properly closed cross body will do.

      If you want more spot on advice, I can give you counseling and help you with travel planning as a service through skype. Email me if you are interested at alois@dresslikeaparisian.com

    • SMI dit :

      I go to Pairs at least once a year and highly recommend a crossbody for both security and ease for walking.
      Strap widths really don’t matter. Please do not fill out surveys presented to you by gypsy children, just ignore them and walk away as they are pickpockets. Have a wonderful trip!! Paris is magical!

  7. I am a 50-something woman heading to your lovely city in April. I love wearing leggings/tights and long tunics. You make mention of « leggings are not pants » so are tunics acceptable (that cover your posterior? I’m all about them with boots!

  8. Shaskia dit :


    I’m going to paris in December until January. I live in tropical country & this will be my first winter trip. I need your help to give an idea for a perfect outfit on new years. I will spend NYE with having dinner & party at Matignon. I’ve seen lots of french women wearing a sleeveless dress during NYE (watched it on Youtube) but since its winter, what should I wear to make myself warm when I walking on the street but chic enough for partying?

    Need you advance advice! Thank you 🙂

  9. Susana dit :

    Very helpful indeed!!!! Now, I know what to pack to my trip to Paris
    Thank you!
    Susana from Argentina

  10. Amy dit :

    My 18 year old daughter and I are going to Paris in December. Should we pack long wool coats or hooded rain coats (nipped at the waist and stylish but not particularly warm). We will bring plenty of layers including cashmere sweaters and a cashmere scarf but I’m stumped as to which coat to pack and we are only doing carry on.

  11. Kylie dit :

    I’m heading to Paris in August and I’m wondering if it’s looked down on ladies wearing Birkenstock’s. They’re leather and comfortable for walking but I don’t want to be looked down on. Also thoughts about a black leather skirt in summer?

  12. Devyn dit :

    Hi! I am currently a student in America, and will be studying in Paris for next school year. I am trying to get some tips on what kind of clothes to buy before I get over there! You mentioned that Stan smiths and converse are popular tennis shoes over there. Do you recommend one over the other? Is one more popular than the other? Also, since I will be attending school, I will have to walk a few blocks through the city to the university everyday. I’d like to have a bag big enough to fit my laptop in case I need it for class. Are backpacks common for students over there, or do you suggest getting a tote large enough to hold it?
    Thank you for your help!

  13. Blake Ford dit :

    Is it ok to wear leggings if you balance them out with a longer, looser shirt and maybe a trench over top?

    • Aloïs Guinut dit :

      Hello Blake,
      If you ask me: leggings are to be considered like tights. This does not sound like an outfit you could wear with tights, so I’d say no.

  14. Deanna dit :

    This has been enlightening and now I am frightened about what to pack! My daughter is recovering from Chemo from Lymphoma and we leave for Paris March 6th.16! This is her Make a wish Trip and she is a beautiful 13 year old girl trying to get past this cancer horror! We are so blessed to be going WITH OUR WHOLE FAMILY hubby and I are 45 and boys: 18, 17 Girls 15,13…I am still stumped, re:what to pack for all. I am really worried about the shoes I assume we will be doing a lot of walking and WHAT shoes do I wear? For enjoying the Louvre, Eiffel Tower and shopping in the Mairias area. I was going to bring neutral vans for the girls and I and have a pair of boots, for me, along in case I need them for the rain. Would I be able to wear sandals at night? Also for the boys; are converse and vans ok for them? My hubby always has a great pair of Doc Martins and is ready to go. What are your thoughts? I am perplexed and would love a little insight. Oh before I forget should I get a great black wrap dress or is there another style that would be at the top of your list!????? (I am a size 10/12). Thank you ever so much! #SydneyTheCancerSlayersMom

    • Aloïs Guinut dit :

      Converse and van are perfect.
      Guess sandals are way to cold for this time of the year.
      Doc martens are also cool.
      Any kind of dress would be nice, just depends of you.
      Good luck to your daughter!

    • Clo dit :

      Enjoy your stay in Paris ! The important is to feel at ease and to be comfortable cause you’ll be walking a lot. Don’t forget an umbrella ! Kisses and love for your daughter. Have a good trip !

    • HeatherFeather dit :

      I will also be there. We are traveling from Kansas City. It is very warm here but I think the weather will require a light jacket. If you do leggings, make it fashionable. Remember, leggings are NOT pants.

  15. Ana dit :

    Hi! I’m from the Philippines and will be going to Paris mid February with a group of friends. I am totally stumped on what to pack!!! Help!!!

    PS. So far I’ve set aside black leather riding boots, a black trench coat and black leather gloves for the trip…

  16. Mia dit :

    What a fantastic post. If I wear a grey wool coat with dark brown knee high boots, would that be okay for winter? Or is it more suitable for autumn? And what about a man wearing a grey wool pea coat with brown shoes? I guess I’m wondering if black shoes and boots are more the norm for winter.

  17. Susie dit :

    I’m not sure if I should wear some type of leg covering/hosiery with my dress in the evening. My husband loves the classic black sheer hose look (and I wouldn’t mind some warmth) but I don’t really notice women wearing pantyhose any more. I feel, though, that my legs might be too bare without. During the day and for casual settings, I’m wearing black tights with my leatherette skirt. Non?

  18. Susie dit :

    Your blog is lovely! I’m so glad I found it. In July, I’m traveling to Paris with three teenage girls and I would like your advice. Is it ok for them to wear denim cut off shorts or rompers? They buy most of their clothes from Brandy Melville, H & M, and Urban Outfitters. The girls say some of these stores are in Paris and sell these items so it should be okay to wear them. However, everything I read says no shorts. Thank you for your help.

    • Aloïs Guinut dit :

      Hello, Sure your daughters can wear shorts or rompers.
      Fashion is now international as they point out so we have those brands in Paris.
      But still, there are big differences between Paris and the US/
      So my advice is to pay attention that the shorts themselves are neither too short (like when you almost see the butt), or too tight.
      And wear them with pretty sandals or cotton sneakers (like vans) but no flip flops.
      With short short, contrast with a longer and looser top.
      Have fun in Paris!

      • Susie dit :

        Merci beaucoup! Your response is incredibly helpful. Now, if I can just figure out what I’m going to wear:)

        • Aloïs Guinut dit :

          Actually I did not have any question for the lookmaker this week and decided this would make the subject of the next lookmaker so keep updated ^^
          And feel free to share the post on social meadias when I’ll have it published ^^

  19. curious dit :

    is it a big fashion no to wear bodycon anything in paris?

    • Aloïs Guinut dit :

      No you can wear bodycon, the only thing is to look chic in it so balance with something larger usually.
      But a Rolant Mouret pencil dress is fine.
      And never wear leggings as pants

  20. Kayliann dit :

    So i am going to Paris this sunday and our first day is monday. And its not suppose to be warm but i have a lace half shirt and tight jeans and a scarf and tall boots would that work as a parisan outfit! Im really drop dead stopped on what to wear!

  21. April Gold dit :

    So cool advices! I am going to move to Paris next year because of my job and I am so excited! I should pack all of my stuff and I don’t know how to start. Wish me luck!

  22. Marissa dit :

    Thank you so much for these lovely suggestions. I am preparing to go to film school this fall in Paris. I’ll be there for ten months and am completely freaking out that I’ll look like a tourist. I’ve already started buying black clothes and less graphic tees. I read a few other blogs about Parisian style. I was wondering if superga (the Italian sneakers) are a good idea.

    Thanks again!

    • Aloïs Guinut dit :

      Hello, Supergas are indeed a good idea 🙂 And don’t worry… even if I do write that blog on fashion, french people and parisian are not ALL well dressed. I am sure you’ll dress good anyway by reading the blog. And even if you don’t, that’ll be fine, friends don’t choose based on appearance.

  23. Nick dit :

    Hi ! I’m 30 years old. I’m a French man who lives in Paris.
    For summer, you could wear jeans or shorts pants with leather flip-flops or leather strap sandals but not beach flip-flops.
    If you don’t want to be noticed as a tourist, you should always wear leather sandals !
    Most of parisian men don’t like to wear beach shoes

  24. I love all your stylish and Parisian Chic tips. The outfits of the night out in Paris is definitely Parisian 🙂 I definitely think that Parisian style is so simple yet super chic. It’s all about neutral colours! Here’s some of my tips about What to wear in Paris I hope you like it and let me know what you think 🙂

    Marj xo

    • Aloïs Guinut dit :

      It is true that we now all wear jeans 🙂
      I read your article and for the shoes, I would add the sneakers that are very fashionable right now but more comfy than ballets or flat sandals for all day walking. Like the Adidas Stan Smith for instance.

  25. Alison dit :

    Love these outfit ideas! I’ve just written a similar post about what to wear in Paris 🙂

  26. Justine dit :

    Oh I LOVE this post so much Alois! This one is my favourite post yet. It is my dream to go to Paris one day. It is a long way away from where I live in Australia. I hope to make it one day. If you can ever publish these pages in a book to sell say on Amazon I think lots of people would purchase it, me included! Justine xx

  27. Sarah dit :

    This is perfect! And humorous too. Will be sure to refer to it for visiting you. Xx

    • Toni dit :

      to be honest …..I think some Americans dress better than the French !!!!

      Sorry but it’s true!!!

      • Aloïs Guinut dit :

        I never said that french woman dress better than american woman nor that every french woman is stylish.
        I just say that french style is different than american style.
        And if you like this style you can get inspired from this post.
        I’d say it is about neglicated sophistication.
        If you had to pick brands to represent french style I would pick a mix between Isabel Marant, Lanvin and Sonia Rykiel.
        And for the american style Donna Karan, Ralph Lauren and Tom Ford.
        But you cannot make generalities so it can happen that an american woman has a « french » style and that a french woman prefers to dress « american » ^^

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